Weekly Calendar/Menu

Weekly Calendar/Menu

Greetings Lowrey Family!
School begins on Thursday, August 12.
Open house will be Tuesday, August 10, from 5-7 pm.
School supplies lists are available at Walmart, on Facebook, and at the school website.
At this time masks are not mandated during the school day. We do encourage students to wear masks but it is not required.
Federal law does require that masks be worn on the school bus at all times. Students must wear masks while on the bus but may remove them, if they choose to do so, as soon as they exit.

School Supply List

Weekly calendar/menu

AfterSchool Families - Forms to enroll in summer school were sent home with students on 5/5/21. The summer school enrollment forms are due back by May 10, 21. Enrollment will be LIMITED.

Weekly Calendar/Menu

Important! FYI. The after-school survey: You will need to pick Tenkiller School as the grantee, then site will be Lowrey. Thanks!
Parents/caregivers, of Lowrey After-school students, please go to the link below and fill out the survey today or tomorrow.. Thank you! Parent and Family Survey Link: http://bit.ly/OSDE2021_FamilySurvey

Parents/caregivers, of Lowrey After-school students, please go to the link below and fill out the survey today or tomorrow.. Thank you!
Parent and Family Survey Link: http://bit.ly/OSDE2021_FamilySurvey

Pre-enrollment for Pre-K & Kdg.

Weekly menu/calendar

Weekly calendar/menu

weekly menu/calendar

weekly menu/calendar

School Menu

Weekly menu

Lowrey Family -
On Tuesday, 3/2, please vote YES for the Lowrey School Transportation Equipment Bond. If approved, the funds will be used to purchase two new school buses. Polls will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Thank you for supporting our school.

Good afternoon, students!

Parent Teacher Conferences will take place (virtually!) on Thursday, October 15th. Lowrey is closed on Friday, October 16th for Fall Break. Enjoy your time off!

Reminder: Wed, October 14th is a Virtual Learning Day! For those that would like to order lunch, please call the front office by the end of today (Oct 13th). Lunch pickup on the 14th will be outside of the double doors by the cafeteria.