Garden Club Article
Weekly calendar/menu
Lowrey Family: Just a reminder that there will NOT be After-School today, 9/15/22, due to Parent/Teacher Conferences. Conferences are today, 9/15/22, from 3:30 PM - 7:00 PM. No school tomorrow, Friday 9/16/22, due to Parent/Teacher Conferences from 8:00 AM - 11:00 AM. Have a great weekend!
5th-8th Grade Girls Softball is today, 9/13/22, @ Norwood. 5/6 @ 4:00, 7/8 @ 4:45. Bus leaves at 3:00 returns at 7:00
Weekly Calendar/Menu
Softball game is also tomorrow 9/8/22.
Picture money/order form due tomorrow, Thursday 9/8/22.
Softball Game, 5th-8th grade girls, at Shady Grove @ 4:00 PM (1game)
Weekly Calendar/Menu
Just FYI: No School Friday, Sept. 2 and Monday, Sept. 5th. Staff Dev. on Friday and Labor Day on Monday. Have a good weekend!
Peggs School has cancelled the Softball game tonight that was to start at 4:00 PM due to storms rolling in.
FY22 Softball Schedule
The Softball game against Norwood Softball scheduled for tomorrow, 8/23/22, is now being played at Lowrey. Times have been changed from an evening game to 5/6 Girls @ 2:00 and 7/8 Girls @ 2:45.
School pictures are tomorrow morning, Tuesday 2/23/22.
Weekly Calendar/Menu
Weekly Calendar/Menu
Menu Aug 15-19
Early Birds Correction
Say Hello to Lowrey's new Superintendent!
Tahlequah Daily Press has advertised that Lowrey's first day of student's is 8/8/22. This is incorrect. First day for student's is 8/11/22. Open House is on Tuesday, 8/9/22, 4:30 PM - 8:00 PM.
Sports Physicals for 5th-8th grades will be done here at school on Friday, 8/12/22. Cost will be $20.00 or you can go to your own medical provider.